Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hard Wood Floors part 3

There are no pictures to accompany this post, but if there was it would be a picture of me (ANDREA) with a phone to her ear pulling her hair out while simultaneously banging her head against the wall. I have been informed today..(not of a third raise in the estimate-that was yesterday, not of the need for an entirely additional subfloor- also yesterday) but that one of the parts came in the wrong color and they won't be able to ship the replacement until April 10th. I have now walked to complain to the office and called the regional offices. I have a hard time understanding how when I ordered and paid what was then 50% but turned out to be only 25% of the cost in JANUARY, how they can not guarantee me delivery and installation before Lily's party which I have already postponed!!!

I really hate being the type of person Gabe has to speak to all day long, but I think I am going to scream and yell until they either get my floor put in or do something for me instead of just saying, "yeah we'll try to expedite that for you."

I had this great line which I was unable to push myself to use but here it is..."Come on...Congress was able to pass a reconciliation health bill in less time than it's taking you guys to install my floor."

Monday, March 29, 2010

Operation Hard Wood Floors Part II

...our work is kind of done, we just have to get the floors in before we put all the stuff back...
...I think that one of my kids is in this picture; can you find her? room progression...

... Before and after pictures of our bedroom...

...I'll take all the help I can get...

...Stairs before and after...

...hopefully the next set will be of actual wood in our house!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Lily Girl.

Lily girl thinks everything is hysterically funny. (that is unless she is mad...) One of her favorite things to do is to clamber onto the couch and bounce.

Operation Wood Floors

We are having wood floors put in the beginning of next week, and have started to get our house ready for the instalation:

Everything from our Bedroom, Living Room, Emory & Lily's room and the foyer have to be moved so the carpet can

All of the baseboards have been removed.

The wood (and small dog) is in the house.

The laminate is leaving the house.

The laminate has left the building!

Friday, March 12, 2010


One of my students wrote this quote on her web site, "Some people prefer misery over change." I can honestly say that does NOT describe me this year. This year I have changed EVERYTHING from the organization of my classroom, to my grading policy, my instruction, the type of work I give, the way I relate with kids and teachers....EVERYTHING. In the last couple of months this has sped up to a warp drive. So...I am going to challenge myself. It is time to SLOW down. It is time to evaluate and reflect. I'm going to spend three weeks pulling together all the best things and then put them into the class for one great quarter. At the end I'll write my PLP and reflect with the instructional coach and make a plan for next year.

And of course I'll blog about it on the teaching blog. In the diary- "A quarter of perfection."

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Birthday Party

We are postponing Lily's party until April so that we can get the floors removed and put the furniture back. But we did have a very small celebration. The video is a little long...but if you stick with it you hear her say, "Hi mama."

Monday, March 08, 2010

Happy Birthday Lily!

Lilliane Marie Pless, day 1 (March 8, 2009)

Lilliane Marie Pless, Day 364 (Yesterday)

Happy 1st birthday to our little girl. It is so amazing how fast time goes, and how quick they grow. Happy Birthday to our Baby :-)

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Some recent Gabe pictures

How Lily Eats Yogurt

You would think I would learn not to leave her alone for even a minute!

Monday, March 01, 2010

Emory & Lily playing