Sunday, September 23, 2007


Here is Emory getting his first hair cut! As you can see, it does not phase him much, as he continues to eat and drink during the entire hair cut. He just got a little trim to "contain" his wings.

Fun with Relatives`

Emory is getting used to his relatives, and enjoys playing (tries to eat) with them. Emory playing with his uncle Shanti and cousin Shilah this past weekend.

Day at the park

Shanti, Shilah and Serena came down to spend the afternoon with us. We had a very fun time, and took a walk to the park. Emory and Shilah had a fun time playing on the swings; climbing on the jungle gym and playing in the large field.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Story Time

Saturday Morning before nap time is story time for Andrea and Emory. Emory loves having mom read to him; even if his attention span is 3 minutes max!

Super Mommies on football sunday

Last Sunday evening we had some people to watch the Patriots Game. Andrea invited a friend from work, Ramone and his wife Grite (not pictured here) and Shanti, Aimee, Shilah and Serena also came over. The mommies and babies had a blast playing together, even though Emory just tried to push everyone/thing around and did not do much playing.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

A visiting friend

Elena is a gorgeous little girl, all peaches and cream! Emory was excited to to see her. We spent a lot of the weekend working on "gentle...gentle...GENTLE!"
We had a great time! It was just like high school, only Ursi and I had small parasites attached to us this time.
Speaking of month and one week to go. Happy Birthday Emory! (he he he he he)

Saturday, September 15, 2007

The boy likes to eat...

Emory enjoys putting everything in his mouth. It is very funny to see him crawl around the room with a spoon or foam fish hanging from his mouth. Here he is sucking the juice from his sock.

Emory's favorite game

Emory has a favorite game. It involves removing every item from the shelf in front of him. As you see in the pictures, Emory has picked out a great movie to watch! Along with the movies, he loves to remove tea from the tea cabinet; books from the book shelf and anything else that we happen to leave in his reach. It is very funny the first time he does it, but then picking up the same book 4 times a day is not as funny as it once was. We think that he is on the verge of walking...stands by himself and can even take a step before he flops. He is a lot of fun; and keeps us very busy...while he is awake and asleep!

New Basement!

Our basement is now complete! We love it. The carpet color is so much nicer than the horrible blue that we had, and even though the pool table is gone, the new space we have works very well and is very comfortable. We had a hard week before this, but it now seems like it was worth it.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

New playroom

Emoy enjoyed scooting around the newly carpeted playroom. With no furniture in, he could really scoot around and get to top speed!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Goodbye toys

About half of Emory's toys were down in his play area outside of the sewage leak. All of the stuffed animals had to go tonight. It was very sad saying goodbye to our furry friends. The large cat and dog were mine. Gabe got them for my 31st and 32 nd birthday. Goodbye Cat! Goodbye Dog!