Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Shilah's Birthday!

I have wonderful memories of my little kitchen when I was growing up. Gabe, Evie, Orion, and I went in to get Shilah a Play kitchen. Here she is playing...but you have to turn your head sidewas to see. Sorry...I'm thinking about hiring a new camara man.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Shilah's Kitchen

Here is a still of Shilah with the kitchen! She loved it so much that it was hard to get a picture with her facing the camara.

Easter Party

Emory is too cute and already to party for easter. He loves playing with toys now and is getting better at sitting.

Too cool

Shilah insisted that Emory wear these sunglasses. Gabe tried to put them on himself and she said, very indignantly, "Emry's glasses!"

Drinking too much

Emory hasn't quite got the correct party moves as he tries to suck the outside of a glass. Slow down baby! You don't want to have a headache tomorrow!

Girls girls girls

All the pretty girls were dressed up for the party. Emory relaxes in their midst. They all love a cute boy in a sweater vest!


Emory joins the weekly poker party. I think we're going to lose this hand with only a king and a jack. Is Gabe going to try to bluff?

Emory stares at the cards wishing for pocket aces.

Back home

Shirt untucked, drool stains and all, Emory collapses after a hard weekend of partying!

We think he looks a little like a frat boy on Sunday morning.

Reading time

Emory is finally starting to enjoy reading. He loves books with big pictures. This one is especially one of his favorites because it has pictures of babies. The text is ...ummm...a little easy. "Stinky" and "Yucky" are two pages. But the baby like it.
My Mom is wonderful at reading to Emory every day. They have a special book, "Brown bear Brown bear." She does sound effects to it and he laughs and laughs and laughs!
You can see a clean easter outfit in the back.


Gabe and I are becoming very good at the divide and conquer aspect of keeping house. Here is Gabe doing the laundry. Ok well those are his hands anyway.

Parting Woes

I am moving to a new school next year. That means that I am working at one school and doing all my meetings and planning at another right now. Moving has raised many emotions in me, relief, fear, anxiety, depression, perfectionism, excitement, an general ummm AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
One of the worst parts is leaving my comfortable room with painted ceiling tiles. You can see the Heart and roses one two boys made for me when Gabe and I got engaged. I remember crying when they put it up.
Luckily....I think...The district is refusing to help us move. So we are having to pack up everything including textbooks, desks, carpets, and bookshelves and move it over in a U-Haul. I say luckily because being mad about this keeps me from thinking about leaving my past 10 years behind.


A quick glance at my classroom and wonderful students. They are helping me complete a timeline of science that we out on the outside wall.

We are looking at how science and world history go together. As a culminating project they are writing and producing a play about the history of the atom. This is being a wonderful project...however it added a level of stress to my life that I had currently not imagined. Which is why I hadn't blogged for a while!

But I am confident (crazy) that the play will be a success. I guess it had better be given that I have already invited my future boss and superintendent to it!


I know that all mothers are totally biased...but come on...isn't my child adorable? I mean stop in your tracks adorable! And I don't want to brag...Ok yes I do but he is also a very wonderful baby. And he is only waking up about 3 times a night now to eat!

Getting around town

Emory and I have a new way of getting around town. Now that he is a very stable boy he likes to sit in the sling on my hip. He can see a lot better and enjoys the shopping and walking we do. The only drawback is t

hat he can't sleep in it quite as well!