The Pless People
The Pless People consist of Gabe, Andrea, Emerson & Lilliane Pless.
Saturday, September 08, 2012
Lily's first soccer game!
Wednesday, September 05, 2012
Labor Day finished
On our way back from Rifle/Glenwood Springs, we decided to take the longer, more scenic route home and went through Aspen and over Independence Pass. It was a little chilly but beautiful at the top of the Pass. Lily was cold, so Andrea and her went back to the car, but Emory and I made it to the top (of the walkway)
Labor Day cont...
On Monday morning, we took a drive to Rife Falls State Park, 15 miles outside of Rifle. I wasn't expecting much, but I was blown away by how amazing it truly was. You drive through a camp ground, then come to a little parking lot, then walk 100 yards and there they are. 3 waterfalls, all coming down next to each other and you can walk right up to them, behind them and even on top of them. And they are surrounded by limestone caves to explore - next year we may spend the whole weekend here:
Labor Day Weekend
Over Labor Day Weekend, we decided to take a last minute trip to Glenwood Springs, here in Colorado. Because of the last minute part, we had to stay in Rifle which is 25 miles west of Glenwood, but it was fine and it was a great weekend. We got there Saturday evening and hung out in the hotel, and on Sunday morning we went to Adventure Land! It is this awesome amusement park/old west town/cave. Seriously, it was cool. You have to take a gondola to get to the park, and on top of the mountain they have a zip line, alpine slide, bungee jump, gigantic swing, laser tag, 4D movie theater, restaurant plus other attractions such as a limestone cave with a 70 minute guided tour. I was having fun and not taking many pictures while up there, but below are a few:

Here is a picture from the top of the mountain
Here is a picture from the top of the mountain
Mama, Emory & Lily riding the mini-coaster. Not pictured is Emory and daddy riding "North America's Highest in elevation Roller Coaster". It was awesome. Emory was barley tall enough to ride it, and it was intense. At one point, the coaster goes sideways over the edge of a cliff with a 1,000 foot drop you are looking straight down. Emory was white-knuckled the whole time, and when it came to a stop I thought he might cry, but instead he looked at me and said, "Daddy, LET'S DO IT AGAIN!" So we rode it two more times!