Saturday, December 24, 2011

more Suni

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Christmas part 1

We exchanged presents with Grandpa Charlie and Nana on Wednesday evening. If this was any indicator, Emory & Lily will have lots of fun tomorrow!

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Saturday, December 10, 2011


Our precious Suni at the end of a long, big day

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Lily at work

New meaning to "bring your child to work" day - Here is Lily helping me out at work:

Question: Does your chocolate chip cookies have chocolate in them?
Lily: Yes, there is chocolate in the chocolate chip cookeis

Question: Can you make your chocolate chips cookies without chocolate?
Lily: It is possible, but then they wouldn't be chocolate chip cookies

Lily: Some people - I just don't know how they manage to get dressed in the morning

(Real conversation I had last week, sitting in this very same chair, and probably having the same expression on my face)

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Face Painting

Emory & Lily got their face painted! Emory choose Frosty the Snowman at sunset and Lily picked a kitty. Below are the progressions and finished artwork. They were great and loved it!

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Work christmas Party

This morning we went to a Holiday Party hosted by my work. It was great fun and the kids seemed to like it very much. We had some snacks...

...waited patiently for Santa...

...played a little...

...hugged a little...

...and Santa, Ms. Clause and 2 elves showed up on a Fire Truck!...

...and Emory got to sit shotgun on the truck - very cool...

...and then he got to sit on Santa's lap...

...and Lily got to be held by daddy and be near Santa (she is a little scared of him)...

...and there were some decorations to make...

...and a BIG Buffalo to pose with...

...and to get run over by AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!...'s just a joke, Lily is okay :-)

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Hooray for Captain Santa Clause!

This past Friday Emory had his Holiday recital at school. He was AMAZING! He was 1 of 2 kids who sang a song to the whole audience welcoming everyone to the school and their show, and then he was Captain Santa Clause and sang lots of songs, knew all the words and hand movements - he was such a little performer and did an amazing job! We are very proud of our little showman, and I am very thankful that I was able to leave work early to see his show!!

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