Sunday, August 23, 2009

Recent Pics

Below are some pics from the past few weeks:

Emory wearing mommies shoes,

Lily looking very cute in her (Emory's old) Red Sox outfit,

Daddy and baby Lily,

Our little lord of the flies boy (notice his face, hands and legs are covered in dirt),

And Lily taming the wild tiger!

Monday, August 03, 2009

Rolling Over

Lily rolled over for the first time about a week ago! This video is actually the 3rd time she rolled over, and the 1st that Andrea got to see her. She was in the shower and I was playing with Lily on the floor and....whoop, over she went. She then did it a 2Nd time and I waited for Andrea for the 3rd time in case she got tired and did not want to perform.

Emory & Lily

Emory & Lily love each other very much. She smiles and laughs for him like nobody else and he has so much fun playing with her. At times he is a little rough and can get slightly jealous, but in general he does very well with her and they have lots of fun together.

Lilliane Marie Pless

Lily seems to be growing every day. She has started to sleep in her crib (for most of the night); can now roll over from her belly to her back; loves Emory and has started to talk a lot. She also enjoys her excersaucer, bumbo chair and floor time for longer and longer each day.

Emerson Darwin Pless

Andrea has not been feeling well the past few days and I am off to watch the kids, so I have got to spend some great time with them. Emory and I have got some good boy time recently; visited the Butterfly Pavilion, Home Depot, Toys R Us and tonight we went the mall to play at the dinosaur play area and have dinner. He is turning into such a wonderful little boy as opposed to a wonderful toddler.