Saturday, March 22, 2008

Emory at the zoo

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

We spent the morning at the zoo. We broke down and got a pass so that we can go when ever we like. Today was the first day that Emory actually noticed many of the animals, and he spent a good portion of the day screeching and pointing. He also would not stay put, and I spent most of the day chasing him around. All in all a good day.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Super cute little boy

we have taken Emory to Toys R Us 2 times in the past week, and each time he has loved it! He just runs from aisle to aisle, squealing like a little pig. The 1st time, Emory got a great Tonka Truck, and it came with a little hard hat...very cute. The 2nd time we went, he got this great Superman PJ's with a cape...oh my it is adorable.

A long, hard day at work

It has been a long day at work, and Emory needs a drink! (of milk) He doesn't have anyone to drive him home, but he will find a way...

how to get home

..."how do I get home? this my car? I need a I safe to drive? this my car?..."

ride home gets a little more interesting

...realizing that he is having a hard time walking, he decides to hitch a ride...

More of the same

...and Emory thanks his lucky stars he made it home safe and kisses his truck.
The end...for now.

A new version of football

Emory has learned a new game of football, and it really does not taste very good (I know from personal experience).

Monday, March 17, 2008


We have been working with Emory to give kisses instead of hitting, especially with the cats. Here, we see Emory practicing on the dog.

Baby Party

We had a great dinner up at Shanti

& Aimee's and a great time playing after. It got a little crazy when the "Philadelphia Chickens" CD got put on the the babies stripped down to their birthday suites. Our censors would not allow those photos, but here they are in the process.

little tyke

Emory has turned into such a little boy, and a very cute one if I may so so myself :-D
It does not hurt that they make the cutest little over-alls!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Shilah and Emory

We have been having a great visit with Ed and Georgette, Gabe's dad and step mom. But one great benefit is added play time with Shilah and Serena. Emory is now old enough to be interested in Shilah (he can almost say her name!) and Shilah is patient enough to not push him around (too much)

Here they are on the go!
Serena's still too young to join the fun, so she does her own thing.


Rare glimses of Emory in a hat.

Double trouble

Where are these two babies off to so quickly? That's got to be trouble!

Dancing Boy

Emory likes to dance in front of the mirror!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Bath time

The nightime routine. Normally Emory's nighttime routine is very short. But last night we took some time to do some badly need hygenic chores.

Hair cut

Emory's hair grows outstandingly quickly. It goes from cute and curly to a wild bush in about a week. Adorable, but now that he covers it in food it gets tangled to easily. He is very suspicious of the scissors and I always hate to cut it but it had to be done. Personally, I think he looks ready to join the young republicans when it is done. But political statements will have to wait until he can eat more carefully.
I have a new haircut too...but you can't tell in this picture as it is tied back and I've just been to the gym. (Yes that is right I went to the gym. You can all stop laughing now. :))


Emory has a new tooth, so we are starting to brush them. This step has recently become very important to me since I had 8 cavities filled this year! Next month I'm getting my wisdom teeth out.

****Note - normally we brush our teeth after the milk, but Emory insisted on a little earlier tonight.***

Beautiful boy

Now Emory is all read for his beauty sleep.

Last step- Cuddle with Dad

Emory has a good night bottle and cuddle time and then it's into bed for a long night's sleep.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Colorado Weather

Yesterday was an amazing day! It was almost 70 degrees, and we spent a good part of the day doing yard work and enjoying the sun. Emory also helped in the yard, and ran and played all day long. Then, starting at 5 a.m., it started to snow, and it is still snowing as I post. The wind is blowing strong, and it is a typical Colorado weekend!

Run duck, RUN!!!

Luck for the duck, Emory has little legs and is not that cunning yet. It got away to live another day.

Fun times

Emory still loves to go to the park! He goes every day with Nana, weather permitting, and on the weekends with us. He recently learned to go down the slide alone. He also enjoys playing at home, and recently got a chalk board that he enjoys eating the chalk from. He has also started to notice himself in our bedroom mirror, and admires his reflection.

The Pied Piper (Emory's version)

He does not have a flute, but something Emory has attracts every puppy in the house. Maybe it is that he has a very keen personality; strong sense of adventure; true leadership abilities....or maybe something in his diaper?

Oh my, what cute puppies!

Here is the next instalment of the cute puppies. They are Rollie-Pollie little cuties...too bad they grow up

to be big.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Sorry for the delay

We apologize for the lack of posting recently (we missed February). Emory has been keeping us very busy, but our computer also crapped out and we had to obtain a new one. We have still been taking pictures, and these are just a compilation of the last month. Emory is learning in leaps and bounds and is becoming very independent. He can now negotiate a slide by himself, Run, bounce and even has a few words in his inventory. He is keeping us on our toes, but we love every minute of it (almost).