Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Happy Halloween

Emory dressed up like the cutest little tiger for Halloween this year. We went to a party on Saturday at 10 am, and another at 4 pm, so we got good use out of his costume this year. We had a lot of fun, and our little man is growing so much each day; it is hard to keep up with him.

Shilah also though Emory looked very cute, and had to give him a kiss (with a little prompting of course). Cousin Shilah was a very adorable chicken, and cousin Serena was the cutest little pumpkin you have ever seen!

Birthday Boy

Happy 1st Birthday Emory! We celebrated Emory's birthday on Friday, October 26th. He had some friends over to help him celebrate. We blew up a lot of balloons and put them in his "cage" and he had a blast running through them and scattering balloons. He had his first sweets, and you can see him enjoying his birthday cupcake! He ate the entire thing in minutes, using both hands and not waiting to chew. I can't believe that he is only 1 and already 1 at the same time. We love our little guy so much, and wish him a very happy birthday!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Birthday Present

Grandma Pless got Emory a musical kitchen for his birthday. He loves playing with it and I know he would say thank you if he could. We will just have to be happy with him not pulling the cats tails, and eating floor food.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

One year ago-

We are coming up on our year mark of parenting. As a side note when I was telling my dad that we were going to be celebrating surviving a year of parenting he said, "You know it doesn't just stop after one year...it goes on and on and on and then they move in with you!" I think he thought we were a little too gleeful about Emory's first birthday.
So here I am one year ago almost exactly. I look fairly happy in the picture, despite being the size of a whale. I must have been getting more sleep. Sleep will solve anything.
The last part of this year has been very difficult for me personally, note the lack of blogs as evidence! I had no idea how a new school doing the same job would challenge me. I am reevaluating everything I know and believe about teaching, reading some wonderful books on teaching and learning, and trying to put into my practices some new techniques that will move me to the new level as a teacher. This is exhausting and depressing. As you come to understand what teaching is actually about you feel horrible about the way you taught for 10 years! On the other hand the kids learned some stuff so I guess I should try to let go of that guilt. There are times when I am torn with being a mom and being a teacher. Should I run home to my baby who wants me or finish this discussion? But now I realize that all those kids I teach are other people's little babies and they are probably praying every night that I put their babies first sometimes.
I find that I have only a little sorrow as I watch Emory get older. It was wonderful to concentrate on my tiny baby for a year and now it is also wonderful to watch him toddle and play and be able to rededicate myself to my career (at least during the hours of 8-4) I watch Aimee start all over with Serena and admire her courage. It was one thing to do that when you didn't know what was coming, walking into it knowing??? Well that is a different kind of experience.
Gabe and I are more one than before. We faced some minor health issues as well as a new baby and it was a good learning experience about marriage and the powerful force of love. I used to equate love with romantic dinners and good conversation. Now, sometimes love is saying to other person, "Why don't you watch TV or have a bath while I play with the baby." Love is realizing that there is more cleaning than can ever be done in the house so we should probably just keep doing it and not worry about the cause. Love is giving up your pool table to make a living space and cutting down on pool nights to take care of your family.
So this friday we will celebrate the first brithday of our little guy, but at the same time we are also celebrating the growth in ourselves, our relationship in our marriage, and our hope in the future years of parenting. The party starts at 5 PM- join us for Appetizers, drinks, and deserts!
Thanks to everyone who reads the blog and helps us by caring about us from afar or down the street.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Top Chef

Here is our little chef! We were up at Shanti & Aimee's for national vegetarian day a few weeks back, and Emory was very fond of Shilah's Kitchen set. We had a great time up there, and ate some excellent food! For some excellent vegetarian recipes, visit Shanti & Aimee's blog at: Shantiandaim@blogspot.com!

Little Papi

With the MLB Playoffs underway, I pulled out my 'mini' bat from the Baseball Hall of Fame that I got in Cooperstown NY many years ago. It is the perfect size for him, and is affectionately referred to as Emory's "Beating Stick". He is walking quite well now, even though his preferred method of transportation is still crawling. He can walk from one end of the room to another without holding on to anything! We will try to get a video up as soon as he cooperates.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Beautiful Colorado

Fall is the best time of year out here. The air is clear, the sky is sunny, it's not hot, and there isn't any snow!


They have built a new playground at our wedding site. That would have been nice two years ago! We had a fun day at Golden gate, and then when we were driving back to the play ground, we ran into my mom! She joined us for a play date. Emory always loves to see his nana.

Happy Anniversary!

Gabe and I celebrated our second aniversary. We went to the mountains for our wedding picture shot. It's been an interesting year! I guess at least I've lost 50 pounds. Gabe's also lost 40! hmmm... he wasn't even pregnant!

At the zoo

After the library, we hit the zoo! I took a lot of pictures to write a new book...
"Emory goes to the zoo." He liked it more this time than last...but still doesn't see most of the animals. His favorites are the fish.

Story time

Emory and I get ready for story time at the library. He loves to get books. Notice his Monroe County Public Library shirt (courtesy of Nola!)

He is a great little reader with me, but finds that shelves of the library too much of a temptation!