Sunday, July 13, 2008

Mt. Evans

Andrea, Ebee, Emory and I took a trip to the top of Mt. Evans. The weather was perfect and we had a nice drive up the mountain. We saw some beautiful wild flowers, amazing views and had a nice time. On the way down, Emory got a little altitude sickness, and vomited several times; thick, chunky, white puke. Luck for us, we were most of the way down the mountain, and this happened just as we came to the visitor center. We pulled up into the center parking lot, got Emory and his car seat out of the car; chunks and all. We went to the bathroom, where there was a very pleasant woman waiting in line...when the bathroom became available she told Andrea (keep in mind she was standing with Emory who was obviously covered in vomit and crying) "I'll go first" and sped into the bathroom...then when I got there with the car seat the equally pleasant Forest Ranger saw the dripping seat and cloths covered in chunks, he TOLD us to move around the building...I said, "oh, so as not to attract animals?" and he responded, "no, because other people don't want to have to see this!" At no point was any help offered (no needed but that's not the point), just treated us like the vomit we cleaned off Emory and his car seat. Needless to say, we love Mt. Evans, and just think the other guests and rangers need an attitude adjustment.
It all turned out okay; after we got Emory out of his cloths and into an extra shirt of mine, we made it down the rest of the way and went and had lunch at Beau Joe's Pizza, where Emory was very good, and we got to enjoy a nice lunch.


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