Day 3 and 4
I think My post on thusday was prophetic because I did clean instead of doing the errands! But this was not my fault. Emory took one of his rare 3.5 hour naps and it was just to late to go anywhere. I will try to hit the mail office this morning.
We had a very restful day yesterday and played at the park. Mom came over with us and later we ate chinese food. Emory and I visited Toys R Us and Barnes and Noble that evening to participate in Black Friday, but it is too hard to fully evaluate presents and run after a toddler so we didn't buy anything. We cleaned the house and watched Shrek 2. Emory was very upset going to sleep last night and ended up in my bed.
Last night it snowed about an inch and we are going to celebrate by going to the zoo with nana! The winter is the best time to go to the zoo, the animals are frisky and there are no people. Later we might go swimming.
We miss Gabe a lot and out lives are very boring and yet filled with activities. The best part of the day was hearing the Dr. Hausfrau is moving to WYOMING and will only be two hours away. What bliss. I am looking forward to getting to see Katy once or twice a month instead of once a year. Katy will have a baby boy that will be Lily's age almost exactly!
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