Welcome Samuel Thomas Moore!
CONGRATULATIONS to my cousin Tiffany and her husband Tommy. They have a happy, health, large baby boy born on 2/16/09. He was "a whoppin 10lbs. 4 ozs and 21 3/4 in. long". We went and visited them in the Hospital today and they are all doing well. Emory was very interested in the "new new baby" until he found a cup with water and his attention went elsewhere. Again, congratulations and welcome to Tiffany, Tommy and little Sammy!
The funniest part was having our "hurricane child" in this peaceful calm room. As Gabe was leaving he said, "Don't worry. They don't become like this immediately!"
OMG-- the picture of Andrea with a newborn totally freaked me out for a half a second until I read the post!
I have to admit, I will never forgive my dear friends for bringing their virus-infected and out of control 14-month-old with them when they visited me in the hospital when I was recovering from a C-section with Elena. I hope your cousin was more forgiving! Then again, they will have to get used to boy energy evntually (so will I!)
OMG that is a huge boy...tell them congrats for me and can you give me tiffany's email.
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