Saturday, September 27, 2008


Shanti and I took the bus camping last night. I left from work and headed up to our favorite camping spot, Kenosha Pass. It is about 40 past Shanti & Aimee's house on 285 and it is

up at about 10,000 feet. It was a little chilly, but not bad. Setting up the camp ground was great...about 4 minutes after we got there the bus was ready and we had a fire going; speed camping. It was a great time, and the Aspens are changing color so it was beautiful. Above are pictures of our camp ground, and we took a walk in the morning along the Colorado Trail into an amazing aspen grove that was straight out of a fairy tale...quiet, with tall white trees going straight up and when the sun hit the tops with the yellow leaves they burst into color. Beautiful place.


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